Within a contemplative setting and a supportive, trusting therapeutic relationship you can open your heart and delve into an inner journey. It is through a deep sense of understanding and compassion for yourself where you can trust your feelings and find clarity in areas where there was once confusion. Many problems in relationships come from old injuries or wounds that make us shut off emotionally, and lose our ability to trust ourselves and others. This limits our ability to love, to be loved, we feel fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, that can affect many areas of our life.
During Counseling Manena Gonzalez will guide gently, compassionately and with a keen sense of humor with which you can consciously embrace the complexities of your life. You will increase the self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-love, and you'll get in touch with your inner truths. You will begin to connect with your sense of purpose and earn greater authenticity in your life.
With coaching, you will be guided in contemplative process of identifying your strengths and talents. From a basis of those strengths you will begin making decisions and creating goals for the short and long term. The goal is to organize you life to express your best self and a state of pure potentiality in all you do.
In a mutually healthy relationship, each person can share their thoughts, ideas and feelings and feel that they are heard and validated. Each person is allowed to grow and shine. Within the relationship decision making promotes the welfare of each individual and respect for the beloved. This is the basis for creating a connection, a relationship of mutual empowerment that is able to continuously change and grow. During these therapies communication patterns, the basis for trust, patterns in our family of origin and how they affect our current relationships are explored. In a safe environment of respect and compassionate therapy we solidify patterns that work and create new ways of being in relationship to replace the patterns that do not work.
Having a loving and harmonious family relationship can bring a deep sense of peace and unity. Many times, there is a disruption in this equilibrium state with families. In family therapy the family viewed and treated thru a holistic approach. My goal as a therapist is to help the family identify a system that is no longer working, and creating ways of relating to each other that promote the growth of all members and restores the family back to a healthy balance.
Counseling Services Available *** long distance via Skype, advance payments will be made via paypal